UTSA School of Data Science Los Datos Conference banner

Los Datos Conference 

Friday, October 4, 2024 

8:30 AM – 6:00 PM
Registration Closed

Join us for the second annual Los Datos Conference hosted by the UTSA School of Data Science. This free event, sponsored by FEDITCbrings together experts from academia, government, and industry to discuss advancements in data science. This year’s theme, "Future-Proofing with Data Science and AI: Balancing Innovation, Security, and Fairness," emphasizes collaboration and innovation while addressing critical challenges. Connect with peers, gain new insights, and explore ideas in a dynamic and engaging environment. Notable speakers will lead discussions on ethical data practices, innovative methodologies, data privacy, and more. The conference will also include lunch, a poster session, and a closing reception. Attendance is free but registration is required as space is limited.

Following Los Datos Conference is the Rowdy Datathon on Saturday, October 5th at San Pedro I. This overnight data science event is open to all college students from any discipline and features workshops, networking opportunities, and a 32-hour datathon challenge. Please make plans to attend!

Los Datos Conference is proudly sponsored by:    FEDITC logo

Image collage from past conferences